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Fact Check

No, This Video Does Not Show An Electric Vehicle Exploding In India

BOOM found that the video from Uzbekistan shows explosion in a car gas cylinder during refueling in February this year.

By - Srijit Das | 1 April 2023 1:27 PM GMT

A horrific video of a car explosion has recently been shared on social media with false claims stating that it shows an electric vehicle is being exploded in India while charging. 

BOOM found that the video is originally from Uzbekistan, and it shows an explosion of a gas cylinder present in a car during refueling, in February this year.

The 25-seconds-long footage shows a sudden explosion occurring in a parked car. The visuals also shows that a metal tank is being blown off due to the explosion and eventually hitting a person leaving him injured. 

The clip is being shared with a caption saying, "Electric car blows off while charging. Such incidents (accidents) seem to be happening here and there - in India. Whatever it is, it appears that this technology will take some more time to be fully a commercial success".

Click here to view the post. 

Click here to view the post. 

Fact Check 

BOOM performed a reverse image search on one of the keyframes from the viral video and found a tweet from Turkish news organisation A Haber carrying the same video on March 1, 2023.

The tweet captioned the video in Turkish mentioning that the incident took place in Uzbekistan where a gas cylinder of a car exploded during refueling. 

Click here to view the tweet.

Taking a cue, we also found that several Uzbekistani news outlets published their reports about the incident on February 25, 2023. 

A UzNews article quoted the Department of Emergency Situations of Samarkand region and reported that a gas cylinder exploded in a Nexia-3 car in Samarkand claiming life of a 43-year-old person.

The report mentioned that the incident took place on February 25 at 11:30 am during refueling at a CNG filling station on Bedil street area.

We also looked at the statement from the Samarkand's emergency service department released on February 25.

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The statement on Facebook included an image of the damaged car and asked all drivers to strictly comply with the technical requirements for the use of gas cylinders installed in their vehicles.