On US visit, PM Modi tweeted his image on flight where he was going through documents. "A long flight also means opportunities to go through papers and some file work," he wrote in the caption.
Image credit: Twitter @narendramodi
Reading documents and books seems to be favourite activity on flight for political leaders. Here are images of Indian politicians making best use of time while traveling.
Lal Bahadur Shastri
In this undated image, India's second Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri can be seen reading next to his wife, who is also engrossed in a book, during a flight. The image was shared by Shastri's grandson and Congress leader Vibhakar Shastri.
Image credit: Twitter @@VShastri_INC
Rajiv Gandhi
Known for initiating the 'telecom revolution' in India, Rajiv Gandhi is seen working on a computer in an aircraft.
Image credit: Twitter @@advsanjoy
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Vajpayee, former prime minister who passed away in 2018, can be seen with a newspaper in this undated image.
Image credit: Twitter @@advsanjoy
Indira Gandhi
India's first woman prime minister seen in this photograph as she reads a magazine on a flight.
Image credit: Twitter @advsanjoy
Rahul Gandhi
Congress leader and Gandhi family scion Rahul Gandhi reading on a flight.