Carlson's Interview Announcement With Putin Propels X To Top Spot In U.S. App Store Overnight
Following Tucker Carlson's announcement on X that he would conduct an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the app experienced a surge in downloads, swiftly elevating it to the number one spot in the U.S. App Store overnight.
The Carlson-Putin interview's popularity appears to have contributed to a surge as around 7 PM EST, the app started ascending the App Store rankings, eventually claiming the top spot by midnight, as reported by app intelligence firm Appfigures.
According to preliminary figures from Appfigures, X experienced a notable increase in downloads, reaching 1,17,000 compared to the previous day's 93,000.
Featuring in a video shared on X, Carlson clarified his intention to interview Putin, highlighting that a significant number of Americans lack understanding about the reasons behind Putin's invasion of Ukraine and his current objectives.
The ex-Fox News host is one of a few creators now on the revamped X platform under Musk's ownership. Soon after Carlson joined the platform Musk stated that X doesn't have a deal with him and he will be subject to the same ad revenue share like others.
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