The India Justice Report places Maharashtra at the top for delivery of justice and Uttar Pradesh comes last scoring 3.5 on 10.
“The cumulative effect of persisting vacancies, strained budgets, inadequate infrastructure combined with the continuous inflow of cases inevitably impacts mounting pendency and the time taken for cases to resolve,” the report states.
In Tamil Nadu, vacancy of judges in the high court stands at 18.3 per cent. There is one high court judge for every 12.62 lakh people in the state and one subordinate court judge for every 84,424 people.
In Punjab, vacancy of judges in the high court stands at 39.1 per cent. There is one high court judge for every 11.58 lakh people and one subordinate court judge for every 54,959 citizens.
In Kerala, vacancy of judges in the high court stands at 23.4 per cent. There is one high court judge for every 9.79 lakh people and one subordinate court judge for every 75,144 citizens.
In Chhattisgarh, vacancy of judges in the high court stands at 30.7 per cent. There is one high court judge for every 18.91 lakh people and one subordinate court judge for every 73,885 citizens.
In Maharashtra, vacancy of judges in the high court stands at 25.8 per cent. There is one high court judge for every 17.92 lakh people and one subordinate court judge for every 54,453 citizens.
In Sikkim, vacancy of judges in the high court stands at 8.3 per cent. There is one high court judge for every 2.41 lakh people and one subordinate court judge for every 35,000 citizens.