From Doga To Ganja Yoga, Check Out These Weird Yoga Styles On World Yoga Day
Acoryoga combines acrobatics and yoga and is a more vigorous type of yoga.
Aerial Yoga
Aerial Yoga combines Yoga with pilates and dance with the use of a hammock suspended from the ceiling.
Beer Yoga
As the name suggests, in beer yoga, practitioners sip beer during or after doing asanas. Though criticised for being unhealthy, beer yoga has its fair share of followers in the US.
Broga or bro yoga, is a type of yoga catered specially towards men with exercises being a mix of yoga and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).
Though crticised for triviliasing yoga, doga or dog yoga, is a type which involves dogs. Though they themselves can't do the asanas, having dogs while practicing yoga is said to help people enjoy doing yoga.
Ganja Yoga
As the name suggests, in Ganja Yoga, practitioners smoke marijuana or consuming cannabis products before and during exercises. Supporters say that it helps in loosening the muscles and removes inhibitions.
Goat Yoga
Goat Yoga is popular in the US with its inventor Lainey Morse stating that it helps people relax and be happy while performing yoga.
Horse Yoga
Another type with its origins in the US is the horse yoga. Horse Yoga practitioner Danny Chapparo states that horse yoga caters to postures and movements of a horseback rider and can strengthen the bond between rider and horse.
Hot Yoga
Hot Yoga is performed in hot and humid conditions to mimic the conditions in India.
Yoga Rave
Yoga Rave was started by the Art of Living foundation in Argentina. Participants perform asanas and jump to music for four hours. The Yoga Rave was started to counter the culture of drug and alcohol abuse at rave parties.