Sidhu, a Punjabi actor-activist has been accused of inciting protestors to hoist the Nishan Sahib flag at the Red Fort.
Sidhu Made His Acting Debut In 2015
Sidhu made his debut in the 2015 Punjabi movie "Ramta Jogi" which was produced by the Deol family-owned Vijayta Films. In an interview, Sunny Deol said Sidhu was like a 'younger brother' to him.
Sidhu Campaigned For Sunny Deol In The 2019 LS Elections
When Sunny Deol was named as the BJP candidate from the Gurdaspur constituency for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Sidhu was seen on the campaign trail with Deol often. Sidhu event met PM Narendra Modi along with Deol.
Deol Distances Himself From Sidhu
Following the violence at the Republic Day tractor rallies, Sunny Deol took to Twitter to distance himself from Deep Sidhu.
Sidhu Chased Away By Angry Farmers
Following the violence at Red Fort, Sidhu (pictured wearing a white turban) was chased away by angry farmers who blamed him for maligning the peaceful protests.
Sidhu Defends Himself
In a Facebook Live later in the day, Sidhu defended his actions and denied that he instigated protestors at Red Fort.